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This is a map of Kota Bharu, You can Show street map of Kota Bharu, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
Kota Bharu is a city in Malaysia, is the state capital and Royal City of Kelantan. It is also the name of the territory (jajahan) in which Kota Bharu City is situated. The name means 'new city' or 'new castle/fort' in Malay. Kota Bharu is situated in the northeastern part of Peninsular Malaysia, and lies near the mouth of the Kelantan River at 6°8′N 102°15′E / 6.133°N 102.25°E / 6.133; 102.25. In 2005, it had an estimated population of 425,294, making it one of the largest towns on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. By 2009, it became by far the most populous town on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia with an estimated population of 577,301 and continues to increase to the estimated population of 609,886 in 2010 thus make it the most dense town on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Kota Bharu is at rank of 10th in the list of the largest cities in Malaysia.









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